Abstract :

This project is aimed to design a system to control the electrical devices in industries or in homes by using GSM technology.

                         In industries, there will be various loads to be operated and these loads are to be operated at some specific intervals according to our requirements and also based on the device constraints. For these purposes, a person should be employed to monitor the status of the loads. But there may be chances that the person may forget to operate these loads. And also it is not an easy task for a person to operate these loads manually as these loads run with high currents and high power consumption. This project gives the best solution for electrical power wastage. Also the manual operation is completely eliminated. This project is implemented on wireless technology. One of wireless communication system is GSM as it is very cheap and very easy   to implement.

          This project is not only limited to industrial applications but can also be extended to domestic purposes for home appliances controlling using GSM technology. The devices can be switched ON/OFF using GSM technology without actually going near the switch boards or regulators. The loads like lights, motors, heaters, power controlling system and also current through the loads can be controlled in this project. We can control all loads at a time from a remote place without connecting any physical wire between loads and remote place.

                     This project is designed in such that a GSM modem is interfaced to the controller through serial port interface. Along with the AC devices/loads which are to be controlled by using GSM will be interfaced to the controller through the relays. The GSM modem performs the task of receiving the message from the mobile and sending the messages to the mobile from the controlling unit. If the user wishes to control the devices ON/OFF in industries, he has to send a predefined message to the modem from his mobile. The GSM modem receives this message and intimates the same to the microcontroller. Now it is the job of the controller to switch ON/OFF the corresponding devices in accordance with the received message. A 16X2 LCD will be interfaced to the controller to display the status of the devices.

This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.



Micro controller         :           AT89x series                              Power supply

Crystal                        :           11.0592 MHz                             Transformer: 12V step down 

GSM modem                                                                              filter: 1000uf/25V

Loads                                                                                          Regulator: 7805, 7812


LCD                            :           HD44780

SOFTWARE:                                                                            APPLICATIONS

 Keil IDE                                                                                     1. Home applications.

 UC flash                                                                                     2.Industrial applications.

 Proteus                                                                                        3.Automatic control systems.

Categories: GSM

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