TheEmbedded Technology is now in its prime and the wealth of Knowledge available is mind-blowing. Embedded System is a combination of hardware and software. Embedded technology plays a major role in integrating the various functions associated with it. This needs to tie up the various sources of the Department in a closed loop system. This proposal greatly reduces the manpower, saves time and operates efficiently without human interference. This project puts forth the first step in achieving the desired target. With the advent in technology, the existing systems are developed to have in built intelligence.

Existing System:

        In existing system robotic is more expensive and not compact and here It has been predicted that indoor mobile robots will be human-friendly robots that interact with people. To ensure the safety and stability of human–robot interaction, more accurate and precise mobile robot localization systems are essential. The classical system for mobile robots uses dead-reckoning sensors such as RFID and gyroscopes.

Proposed System:          We estimate the position of the mobile robot through the GPS. The global position of the mobile robot is estimated without reference to any obstacles. The proposed system utilizes using GPS receiver. According to the data received from GPS, position coordinate is estimated. The robot navigates in a fixed path. The ultrasonic sensors were placed at either side of the robot to avoid collision at walls. ARM7 processor reads the GPS data and passes to the PC through serial port. In PC VB application compares the GPS value with predefined route map. According to the landmark and position coordinate the robot navigates through the fixed path.


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