In general, a smart card is an integrated circuit card with memory capable of making decisions. A smart card, chip card or integrated circuit card (ICC), is defined as any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits which can process information. In this project, we are using a contact smart card where the information inside the card is communicated with the card reader by inserting card into the card reader. The card reader in this project used is an SR-90 SDK of 1KB memory size.
Every driver owns his vehicle parking card. This card contains the amount for the parking fares. The smart card readers will be fixed everywhere in the card parking centers. If a person wants to park his vehicle in the parking center, he has to insert his parking smart card into the reader before parking. The reader reads the in time of the vehicle and passes the data to the microcontroller. When the vehicle is leaving the parking center, the driver once again has to insert his card so that the reader records the out time now. Checking the in and out times, the controller calculates the parking fare and automatically deducts this amount from the driver parking card. If the balance is low in the card, a buzzer alert will be indicated and the user has to recharge the card for the parking fares. The amount of balance deducted will be visualized on LCD display.
In this project 7805 is a regulator and it avoids noise spikes in power supply. Smart card reader is connected microcontroller through serial port. These smart card readers works under 9600 or 4800 baud rates. 16X2 LCD connected to microcontroller through digital I/O lines.
Micro controller : AT89S52
Crystal : 11.0592 MHz
LED : 5mm Red LED
Serial Driver : Max 232
LCD : HD44780
SMART card reader
Power supply
Transformer : 12V step down
Filter : 1000uf/25V
Voltage Regulator : 7805
Keil micro vision
UC flash
- Parking system
- Apartments