Abstract :
Frequently there is lot of requirement to transfer the data between any two devices, here the two devices may be controllers, or one may be controller and other may be some peripheral .The aim of this project is to transfer data effectively between two microcontrollers using two IR transceivers.
In this system the wireless communication link is made possible between the two controllers with the help of IR. IR is ideal for effective and short distance wireless communication. In the two micro controller units, one will be having the IR transmitter and AT keyboard, other micro controller will be having the LCD display unit and IR receiver. When the transmitter transmits the data to the other unit which was entered by using AT keypad.
The other unit will be in ready mode to receive the transferred data using IR communication and display the data in the LCD. In this way the data transferred between the two microcontrollers using IR communication.
With the help of this system we can transfer data effectively from one point to another. IR communication consumes low power, which is advantageous over FM communication link. IR is less complex.
This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Full wave bridge rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
Micro controller : AT89x series
Crystal : 11.0592 MHz
LCD : HD44780
IR receiver
IR transmitter
AT keypad
Power supply
Transformer : 12V step down
Filter : 1000uf/25V
Voltage Regulator : 7805, 7812
Keil IDE
UC flash
- Industrial applications
- Wireless data transmission applications