This paper deals with data hiding in compressed video. Unlike data hiding in images and raw video which operates on the images themselves in the spatial or transformed domain which are vulnerable to steganalysis, we target the motion vectors used to encode and reconstruct both the forward predictive (P)-frame and bidirectional (B)-frames in compressed video. The choice of candidate subset of these motion vectors are based on their associated macroblock prediction error, which is different from the approaches based on the motion vector attributes such as the magnitude and phase angle, etc. A greedy adaptive threshold is searched for every frame to achieve robustness while maintaining a low prediction error level. The secret message bitstream is embedded in the least significant bit of both components of the candidate motion vectors. The method is implemented and tested for hiding data in natural sequences of multiple groups of pictures and the results are evaluated. The evaluation is based on two criteria: minimum distortion to the reconstructed video and minimum overhead on the compressed video size. Based on the aforementioned criteria, the proposed method is found to perform well and is compared to a motion vector attribute-based method from the literature
DATA hiding and watermarking in digital images and raw video have wide literature. This paper targets the internal dynamics of video compression, specifically the motion estimation stage. We have chosen this stage because its contents are processed internally during the video encoding/ decoding which makes it hard to be detected by image steganalysis methods and is lossless coded, thus it is not prone to quantization distortions. In the literature, most work applied on data hiding in motion vectors relies on changing the motion vectors based on their attributes such as their magnitude, phase angle, etc. In [2] and [3], the data bits of the message are hidden in some of the motion vectors whose magnitude is above a predefined threshold, and are called candidate motion vectors (CMVs). A single bit is hidden in the least significant bit of the larger component of each CMV. In [4], the data is encoded as a region where the motion estimation is only allowed to generate motion vectors in that specified region. Using the variablemacroblock sizes of H.264, the authors in [5] used every 2 bits from the message bitstream to select one of the four sizes for the motion estimation process. The authors in [6] and [7] embed the data in video using the phase angle between two consecutive CMV. These CMV are selected based on the magnitude of the motion vectors as in [2]. The message bitstream is encoded as phase angle difference in sectors between CMV. The block matching is constrained to search within the selected sector for a magnitude to be larger than the predefined threshold.