In present days, in our global evolution people like businessmen’s, employees no one will there without having a car. Mainly in cities , many of the cars are being used by the people for offices, shopping’s and for many more. But the main problem here is where to park these vehicles, because the parking place of the cars may be so congested, in some places as the numbers of cars are more than the place of parking.

In order to overcome these parking problems we have implemented this project. It occupies less space and can park more cars automatically by placing the car on a lift. How mean in this advanced car parking system, the cars are parked in the slots that are constructed in a round building with a mid-space for placing a lift. The lift consists of a DC motors to move the lift up and down.

The lift is used to the park the vehicle in certain slot allotted to that car. How the slot is allotted means, suppose if a car comes to the parking building the car owner is given by a RFID card. The car is to be placed on the lift and the RFID card is to shown to the RFID reader. So for that card a particular slot is fixed. So the lift carries the car to that particular slot and car is parked in to that slot. The building contains number of floors, and some number of blocks for each and every block.

It is the task of microcontroller to operate the lift through the instructions , based on the data read by the RFID reader. And a 16×2 LCD is also interfaced to the controller, to display the status of slots.

This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA & 12V, 500mA power supply. 7805 and 7812 three terminal voltage regulators are used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.

Technical Specifications


Micro controller         :           AT89S52

Crystal                        :           11.0592 MHz

LCD                            :           HD44780

Stepper motor

Driver IC

RFID reader

RFID tags

Power supply Transformer                :           12V step down

Filter                           :           1000uf/25V

Voltage Regulator      :           7805


Keil microvision

proteus UC flash

Categories: RFID

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