
          This Paper proposes a design of an tank like climbing robot. CLIMBING robots have been developed to be applied in hazardous and dangerous environments for human beings like exploring, inspecting, and cleaning of high-rise buildings. Since climbing on a vertical wall or on a ceiling works against the direction of gravity, sufficient attachment force (shear resistance and adhesion) is required for climbing robots to maintain their position on the vertical wall. There are several principles to make this attachment force: suction, magnetic force, mechanical interlocking, vortex, and electro adhesives. This robot is designed to achieve high payload and high speed.  Climbing robots have been designed to be used in hazardous terrains.  There are several designs of climbing robots have been developed but each has its own disadvantage.  The proposed system provides a design of tank like robot that overcomes the disadvantages of older designs.

Existing System:

The existing system which includes only one part that is the robot is moved from one placed to another placed. The centre of gravity of existing robot which is outside of the robot compared to proposed system, so that the contained objects may easily fall in the stair case. Because of this reason the proposed system is implemented.     

Proposed System:             The purpose of the designed robots in intends to carry loads up and down stairs. It needs tremendous effect on expense and time. Furthermore In the paper, a cheap and simple stair-climbing robot will be designed to provide the service of carrying objects up and down stairs. It is well-known that the most effective style of movement for a robot on a plane field is the wheel type. However, our robot is equipped with roller chains which are attached with rubber blocks to generate friction with ground and stairs for climbing up and down. The robot is controlled through DTMF technology. The robot can be controlled from anywhere in the world.