A NOT gate, also known as an inverter, is a fundamental digital logic gate that performs logical negation. It outputs the opposite of its input: a logical HIGH (1) becomes LOW (0), and a logical LOW (0) becomes HIGH (1).

Key Features of a NOT Gate:

  1. Boolean Expression:
    • The output (YYY) is expressed as: Y=A‾Y = \overline{A}Y=A where AAA is the input.
    • The bar over AAA represents negation or inversion.
  2. Truth Table:
Input AOutput Y (A‾\overline{A}A)
  1. Symbol:
    • A NOT gate is symbolized as a triangle pointing to the output, with a small circle (indicating negation) at the tip.


  1. Signal Inversion:
    • Used to invert a digital signal in circuits.
  2. Logic Circuits:
    • Essential for creating other logic gates and complex logical operations.
  3. Control Systems:
    • Employed to toggle signals or invert conditions in control logic.
  4. Computing:
    • Used in processors and memory devices to implement basic logical functions.


  • Simple design and easy integration into larger circuits.
  • Low power consumption.


  • Only performs one basic operation, requiring combination with other gates for complex functions.

In summary, a NOT gate is a simple yet critical component in digital electronics, providing logical negation and serving as a building block for more complex digital systems.

Categories: NOT GATE