This Paper proposes a design of robot that is used in telesurgery. The telerobotic surgical system enables long distance telesurgery, covering the distance between patients and surgeons in remote regions of the world (e.g., in the Antarctic continent). Marescaux successfully performed transatlantic robot-assisted telesurgery using the Zeus system. The surgeons were in New York and the patient was in Strasbourg, France. Arata conducted Japan–Thailand telesurgery experiments with animals using conventional network infrastructures. Using the concept of telesurgery, the Defense Advanced Research Program Agency explored the possibilities of the unmanned surgical operating room for treating wounded soldiers on the battlefield. The unmanned surgical operating room consists of a da Vinci system, a scrub nurse robot arm, and a tool changer. Surgical procedures in battlefields, disaster hit areas, etc., where doctors cannot reach the patients can be performed through this robot proposed in the paper. These robots increases the distance between the doctors and the patients by enabling control through remote ways. Hence lives can be saved where doctors cannot reach like battlefields, etc.
Existing System:
In the current scenario the Patients has to reach the place of the Doctors for performing surgeries. This is a time consuming and life threatening process. So we go to our proposed system.
Proposed System: In this proposed system the Doctors can perform surgeries in a remote manner with the help of a telephonic robot. The robot is controlled using DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) Technology. The robot consists of DC motors for arm movements. The microcontroller controls the DC motors. The robot is controlled manually through a mobile phone through DTMF technology.