Abstract :

Automatic Attendance System for schools, colleges and employees of Industries using Magnetic Stripe Reader.

                   A Magnetic Stripe Card is a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on the card. The magnetic stripe, sometimes called swipe card or magstripe is read by swiping past a magnetic reading head.

            In many educational organizations and offices the process of maintaining attendance is by maintaining registers manually by taking the sign in and sign-out signatures of the students or employees, this process is a mundane task which incurs lot of time and manual effort. Using this project we are automating this attendance system using magnetic stripe reader. Whenever a Student or an employee enters the organization they have to swipe the card against the card reader placed there which then picks the data of the particular person and fed to the micro controller, through the micro controller we will fed that data to the .net (C#) application designed for our project. The .net application running in the computer will check the card details with the database, and logs an entry for the attendance with timestamp .This application stores information in the data base. During the card swipe an acknowledgement can be displayed on to the 16X2 LCD connected to the micro controller.

      Here we use an 8051 microcontroller with 5V DC Power supply. Serial (UART) protocol is primary concern here. The heart of this project is Magnetic Stripe Reader modem which works on serial (UART) protocol. A 16X2 LCD is connected to microcontroller through Digital I/O lines.



Micro controller         :           AT89S52

Crystal                        :           11.0592 MHz

LCD                            :           HD44780

LED                            :           5mm Red LED

Motor Driver               :           L293D

Magnetic Stripe Reader Modem

Basic GPIOs


Transformer                :           12V step down 

Filter                           :           1000uf/25V

Voltage Regulator      :           7805 / 7812


Software tools used

Keil IDE

Proteus VSM

UC flash

C# .net application


Banking Sector

Easy money maintenance

Categories: GSM

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