In this paper a flexible grasper is used for Robot grasping and pick-and-place task. The main characteristic of this robot that it uses a special flexible grasper to pick and place operations that reduces the use of complex mechanisms that reduces the flexibility of the robot and reduce he constraints of the shape of the objects that can be picked by the robot arm. By using a flexible grasper the friction between the object and the robot arm is being increased. By using this mechanism the success rate of pick and place robots are increased.
Existing System:
In the existing system complex mechanisms are used for pick and place operations. The existing system has a very low success rate. And the objects that can be grasped by the robot are of definite shape. Hence there are several constraints in the existing system of pick and place robots.
Proposed system: In the proposed system instead of metal fingers flexible rubber graspers are used for pick-and-place operations. This system consists of two parts that are helpful for grasping operations. The first part consists of a active grasper that consists of a flexible rubber grip that is controlled by a DC motor that is used to grasp the objects. The second part consists of an passive grasp that consists of a sponge that provides friction for the grasping operation. And it consists of two pressure sensors that are used to control the DC motor rotation and to provide the required grasping force. The robot is controlled via Zigbee through pc.