With the title itself, one can understand that this project is exclusively used to give the information regarding the arrival and departure of the buses in bus station through voice announcements. The project will be very much useful for most of the people who get confused with number of buses in the station. So this project “MODERN BUS STATION USING RF” is a good alerting system to avoid the chances of missing the bus.
This project uses wireless communication, RF. RF has the advantages of fast communication for longer distances and reliability. The RF modules used here are STT-433 MHz Transmitter along with an RF encoder HT12E, STR-433 MHz Receiver along with an RF decoder HT12D.
As we know there will be separate slots for the buses in the bus station depending on their destination. Here in our project we consider three different slots and an IR transmitter and receiver pair will be fixed at each and every slot. And the 3 IR receivers will be interfaced to the controller which continuously monitors the signals received by the 3 IR receivers. The RF transmitter will also be interfaced to the controller through an RF encoder to encode the data receives by the controller and to transmit the data. Whenever the signal change is recognised by the controller means whenever a bus enters into the slot or if it leaves the slot, the corresponding signal will be passed to the decoder which decodes the 4 bit digital data received by the controller and will pass it to the transmitter to transmit the signal over the medium. And at the controlling unit means on the receiver side, the RF receiver which interfaces the controller will receive the encoded data and will decode the data into 4 bit digital data by the decoder, and will pass it to the controller. Now it is the task of controller to send the corresponding signals to the APR9600 voice module, which will have already interfaced to the controller. So the pre recorded voice announcement will be delivered through the speaker interfaced to the voice module. In our project, an LCD will also be provided for user friendliness by displaying the status of buses. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. Unregulated 12V DC is used for relay. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Full wave bridge rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.
Micro controller : AT89S52
Crystal : 11.0592 MHz
LCD : HD44780
RF transmitter : STT-433MHZ
RF receiver : STT-433MHZ
RF encoder : HT12E
RF decoder : HT12D
IR transmitter
IR receiver
Voice module : APR9600
Power supply
Transformer : 12V step down
Filter : 1000uf/25V
Voltage Regulator : 7805
Keil microvision
UC flash
- Industrial
- applications