
          This Paper proposes a design of Tractor Trailer robot. MOBILE robots have attracted much attention in industry and research in recent decades. Various locomotion systems have been proposed for mobile robots in different environments. The wheel is the most popular locomotion mechanism in mobile robotics and man-made vehicles due to its simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility. A wheeled mobile robot (WMR) as a result of nonslip and pure rolling conditions of wheels is subjected to non-holonomic constraints. In classification of kinematics and dynamics models for various types of WMRs has been analyzed. The control of non-holonomic systems is a challenging problem as a result of system inherent characteristics. Highly nonlinear dynamic models, non-square multi input multi output models, under-actuated, and driftless mechanical systems are some of their attributes. Possible motion tasks can be classified into point stabilization, path following, and trajectory tracking.

Existing System:

          In the current scenario there is no tractor trailer robot is designed. This is a time consuming and life threatening process. So we go to our proposed system.

Proposed System:

In our Proposed System most of the works on tractor–trailer systems are on motion-planning problem and the concept of flatness, and hardly on kinematic control of these systems, while in high speed motions and higher inertias a dynamic control approach should be employed. In this system the Tractor trailer robot consists of DC motors for wheel movements.  The microcontroller controls the DC motors.  The robot is controlled manually through a Personal computer through Zigbee wireless technology.